Using Sport For Positive Change

Players need a better environment to Develop both on and off the field

This Is Where We Come In:

Our manifesto

With The Right Support, Anything Is Possible

For soccer players, we believe that by committing to detail, pushing yourself beyond yourself, and holding on to a vision that only you can see, that nothing will stop you from reaching your goal. Our foundation will provide individuals, regardless of their socio-economic status, with the necessary tools to support each participant's vision, including: nutrition, strength and conditioning training, speed training, and practical soccer training. By offering these resources to the most deserving individuals who exhibit commitment both on and off the field, the foundation will provide a realistic pathway to a range of sporting and educational opportunities.

One Mission

Providing expert training, educational support, and technical guidance to any and all athletes in need, regardless of socio-economic background.

  • Contribute to the development of the community, using sport
    Establish and administer programs and projects that ensure positive development
    Develop and implement holistic programs that  encapsulate both sport and education
    Engage youth in the self-determination, career guidance and an opportunity for a future beyond football

Here's a compilation of photos from our Live In Camp at Boston Park Plaza in 2021!

From Trinidad & Tobago to boston

We are a growing non-profit based primarily in the Greater Boston Area. It is our ambition to expand and provide our services wherever in the globe they are required. We appreciate you taking the time to visit our website and learn more about our mission. Welcome to the Anthony Rougier Foundation.

See you on the touchline.
